A previous week. I'm looking for information on the Toto SS304-PB Polished Brass SoftClose Elongated Maple SoftClose Seat, so i would like to describe here.
Bathroom Accessories Toilet Seats Elongated. Toto Elongated Maple Softclose Toilet Seat SoftClose Action Reduces Injury and Eliminates Toilet Seat Slam Comfortable Ergonomic Design Molded Bumpers Top Tightening Mounting Bolts Offer Above Bowl Installation Maple Hardwood.. Check Price
The purchase was made on line everything about the supply and transport inspection operation and return , if necessary, is clearly provided on their website. The package is packaged in such a way that the content is very well protected from damage. Although there was a sign of impact with compression on one of the corners of the package, but the content is free from any damage. L ' only problem that is not related to this vender has to do with FedEx shipper who put the package on the sidewalk. Even if the package weighs 103 pounds can easily be delivered to the front porch as FedEx or UPS always done in the past. The next time you request signature delivery required to force the driver to drive to the front porch .
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